Tag Archives: Social Media Strategy

Team Julia and Dana

Dana Helms ~ Social Media Community Manager

As SocialNorth approaches its second birthday, I’m excited to announce that we’re growing again with the addition of a social media community manager. Dana has the DNA for social media and I was thrilled when she agreed to join the SocialNorth team. I hope you’ll agree, she’s the kind of person I want watching over and growing my brand online.

Reaching Full Social Media Potential

Social Media Management Packages

SocialNorth brings years of experience and a wealth of furniture and bedding industry contacts to the table to help you achieve your goals. We’re two partners, Julia & Dana, drawn together by a shared passion for doing great work with great clients – from full-on brand creation to building a successful sales funnel. We bring our experience and passion to every project.

Is your strategy missing pieces?

Got a Social Strategy?

Businesses are diving deep into the social pond where some rise gracefully, gliding through the flotsam and jetsam. Others sink like the titanic, completely unprepared for the havoc they’ve brought upon themselves. Let’s be honest – doing it right takes time and concentrated effort …


2012 Bedding Forecast from Furniture Today

At the annual Winter Las Vegas Marketplace (#LVMkt – twitter), SocialNorth was present as Furniture Today released their 2012 Consensus Bedding Forecast. Using data from their polling of 30 vendors and CEO’s, ISPA (International Sleep Products Association) forecasts and balancing with economic conditions, Furniture Today delivered their take

strength and power

Building Your Site’s Popularity & Relevance

You’ve invested money, resources and creativity into building your great idea of a site, yet no one’s coming. You need to be found. The concept of FINDABILITY needs a strategy as part of your company’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization) program …

Social Media Coaching & Consulting

Ready to dip your toes into the waters of social media but don’t want to hand over your brand to a consultant or agency to do it for you? I can help you get what you want out of social media by teaching you to do it yourself …

Conflict is hard to walk away from...

Twitter Blocking ~ Smart or Drama Queen Move?

Friends & Frenemies on social media Like a family vacation to the zoo, Twitter should be exciting and educational. But not too exciting. You can do without your toddler feeding the lions his leftover donut just like you can do without the high school drama that sometimes comes with social media. It’s called social media […]

Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert ~ Twitter Rockstar or Just Plain Smart?

Roger Ebert may have lost his speaking voice but instead of giving up, he harnessed the tools of blogging and twitter to be his new voice in continuing to spread his movie perspectives.

The Accidental Entrepreneur

Some people are born entrepreneurs and others fall into it through circumstance. And some, like me, come into their true calling when they finally and truly realize that their square peg is just never going to fit into that round hole. SocialNorth celebrated a first birthday last month …

Social Keywords

Are social media conversations important for search? The new anthem of CEO’s has been officially named “What’s the ROI of Social Media, Baby?” For some “social media strategists” the very thought of measuring social media efforts sends nerves-a-twitching before the chorus begins. After all, how can you measure a relationship? Can you truly put a […]

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