Tag Archives: Page Views

blogging as a marketing strategy

6 Keys to Writing for Your Small Business Blog

If you’re a small business owner and haven’t yet considered starting a business blog, hopefully if you’re reading this post, you’re already rethinking that. Blogging takes a commitment and is undeniably time-consuming – but it’s also one of the most powerful, valuable ways to market your business …

how not to seo

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the SEO Galaxy

Search engines are big business and they have a responsibly to online searchers. If they don’t deliver relevant content, they lose searchers to their competitors. Getting found online is all about understanding what the search engines want …

strength and power

Building Your Site’s Popularity & Relevance

You’ve invested money, resources and creativity into building your great idea of a site, yet no one’s coming. You need to be found. The concept of FINDABILITY needs a strategy as part of your company’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization) program …

Google Content Farmer – Wreaking Havoc on Retailers

On February 24, Google did a little housecleaning in the produce aisle. In an effort to do a better job serving up what people actually want, they released a new algorithm (affectionately called “Panda” by in-house developers). The effects were immediate …

Kenneth Cole’s Inappropriate Tweet

Kenneth Cole unleashed a fury when he posted an inappropriate comment about Egypt on Twitter. But how can we learn from his social media stupidity?

I’m Confused ~ Is Content King or Social Media?

How’s that Facebook thing working for you? In 2007, convincing the C-level 2007 that social media was a workable strategy took more fast talking than sneaking in late after curfew. It was almost impossible to measure and it took time. A lot of time …

GoGirlfriend story

The story behind the stories GoGirlfriend was born out of a desire to connect and share with women searching for travel information online. By furnishing honest reviews and personal stories, it incorporated user generated content and early social media adapters before the site even launched. Coupled with expert tips and slice of life features, GoGirlfriend […]

SocialNorth Case Studies

Social networking that reflects brand values is definable and measurable. Read through our case studies to learn how social media can work for your business.

GoGirlfriend Case Study #3

GoGirlfriend Case Study #3 examines Amazon Kindle vs the Sony eReader as a product review article and how a customers research patterns affect article traffic results.

GoGirlfriend Case Study #2

GoGirlfriend Case Study #2 examines the article “5 Nudist Resorts that will Blow Your Mind” as it explores resorts around the world in a manner that is engaging with it’s community as it links heavily with other relevant traffic points.

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