Got a Social Strategy?

And while we’re asking, what’s missing?

Got social? Businesses are diving deep into the social pond where some rise gracefully, gliding through the flotsam and jetsam. Others sink like the titanic, completely unprepared for the havoc they’ve brought upon themselves. Let’s be honest – doing it right takes time and concentrated effort.

And while we’re at it, let’s bust a few other myths and set you up for success.

Hiring an intern is NOT a social media strategy

are interns the next wave?Kids today were born with iPhones attached to their hips, texting their native language. But just because they understand how the tools work doesn’t mean they understand how to use them from a business perspective. LOL and ARGH might work for the teenagers but if your customer is a small business owner who’s connecting with you to solve a problem in his life, the turnoff will be instant.

Your intern can play a valuable role in the planning stages because they understand this medium inside out and they’ll excel at the execution. But their tactics are often reactionary rather than strategic – we like to call it the shiny ball syndrome. Use their penchant for chasing the next best thing to keep you on the cutting edge, but be the guiding hand that steers the ship.


The best social media platform is the next one

missing piecesThis one couldn’t be further from the truth. Google+ astounded analysts with meteoric growth when it emerged from the Google incubator but its shininess was short-lived. It might grow into itself eventually but if you’re marketing to a 50 year old woman watching over her children while talking to her friends and parents, ignoring Facebook places your ship in front of that iconic iceberg.

Same is true for Pinterest. If your market is information based and creating pictures means stealing resources from a platform that’s performing beautifully, why do it? The best social media platform is the one you do well – every day. There are advantages to being an early adopter – but there are risks too. Understand what you can afford to gamble.

Social media is NOT a strategy

Plan your adventureI’m always amazed when companies approach social media like it’s something that can be planned and executed in a bubble. They fail to see that social touches every department within the company, contributing to it and benefiting from it.

Instead of dedicating time and resources to a social media strategy, take time to map out your media AND marketing strategy, of which social plays a part. Step back from the siren song of social for a moment and:

  •          Explore your brand from your customer’s perspective – what’s good and what’s missing?
  •          Examine what’s worked in the past and what’s failed.
  •          Talk to experts in social media AND marketing to find the path that’s right for you.

Your social strategy should incorporate every medium you use to promote your company, which means repurposing content and keywords. Whether it’s print, TV, radio or social media, your brand messaging should be seamless.

Are you struggling with your social media message? If you think you’re late to the game, you’re not. If you don’t know where to start, SocialNorth can help. From coaching to strategy to execution, we can help.

Connect with us here or follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook or connect with me on LinkedIn – I’m always on.

One Response to “Got a Social Strategy?”

  1. Melonie Dodaro says:

    I do believe that jumping into the next social media bandwagon may be a good move, but then you should not let go of the old one that has been giving you the desired results. It’s not about being everywhere, but being where your target audience is. Nice post!

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