Climbing the Social Media Mountain

And how Maria’s taking me up every mountain in 2011….

Whether 2010 was heartbreaking or happy, the birth of 2011 is a chance to do it all again – hopefully a little better or smarter. I’m not a resolution-maker as much as I’m eager to see what the next fork in the road is going to bring – and how I can be part of it. 

Climb every mountainI’ve decided to make the Sound of Music’s “Climb Every Mountain” SocialNorth’s theme song for 2011. Not that long ago, people shook their heads when we talked about Facebook (Twitter was beyond comprehension and blogging was something exhibitionists and wanna-be writers did).   

Let’s make 2011 the year we climb the social networking mountain and find out what’s over that next ridge. Let’s get outside our comfort zones and get comfortable being uncomfortable. It’s where we’ll do the most learning and win the biggest. 

Whether we’re using social media to expose our brands to a whole new community, increase revenue or simply open up a new customer service channel, Maria can teach us how to do it better. 

All together now, let’s sing it loud…

Climb ev’ry mountain
Search high and low
Follow ev’ry by-way
Every path you know

Social media isn’t an analytical equation or a straight line with predetermined outcomes. If you do A then B will follow doesn’t happen here because the path to success is different for each of us. 

  • Be authentic. Trying to be something you’re not will do more harm than good. Granted most outings don’t scale worldwide like the Evil British Cat Bin Woman or the Wal-Mart fake bloggers, but why risk it?
  • Don’t block the view. Locking tweets or hiding behind a Facebook wall is like putting a brick wall in front of your brick and mortar store.
  • Be patient. Like climbing a mountain, it takes time and energy to reach the top.

Climb ev’ry mountain
Ford ev’ry stream
Follow ev’ry rainbow
‘Till you find your dream

Social media is not a broadcast channel for marketers. The goal isn’t to reach 100,000 random people but to connect with individuals who are genuinely interested in your product or service. 

  • Choose your path. There are hundreds of social networks and it might take a few tries before you find the right one for your brand.
  • Make friends. Let your community know you’ve arrived and that you want to hear their concerns, frustrations and kudos.
  • Live your dream. Focus on your goals whether it’s brand awareness, community building or increased sales.
A dream that will need
All the love you can give
Everyday of your life
For as long as you live
Anyone who tells you social media is free is lying. It’s huge time commitment and it takes dedication – and it’s not something that just anyone in your company can do. If 2011 is the year you bring your brand onto the social media landscape, recognize the scope of your undertaking.
    How will you survive?

  • Deliver happiness. Zappos defined customer service in 2010 because Tony Hsieh understands his customer service team is the pulse of the company.
  • Keep at it. Social media is not a one-off ad or a monthly campaign. It’s a commitment to your customers and they’re watching that you say what you mean and mean what you say.
  • Do good. Want your social media campaigns to be truly effective? Recognize that giving back to your community and giving your fans a way to give back will do more for your brand than any ad campaign.

Climb ev’ry mountain
Ford ev’ry stream
Follow ev’ry rainbow
‘Till you find your dream 

A dream that will need
All the love you can give
Everyday of your life
For as long as you live 

Climb ev’ry mountain
Ford ev’ry stream
Follow ev’ry rainbow
‘Till you find your dream 

If your opening your business to the free sharing of social media scares you, consider how you’ll survive without it in 2011? No one has time to visit 10 stores to buy their next mattress, fridge, stove. If we’re using the Internet to pick the top three stores to visit, don’t you want to be on that podium? 

And if you’re not engaging on social media, how are you going to know who’s talking about you (because they are)? How are you going to respond to complaints if you’re not there to hear them? 

Being active on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or FourSquare helps people find you faster – remember search engines likes websites that have lots of links pointing to them. They also like websites that are constantly updated with fresh content, like that blog you’ve been considering. 

In 2011, we’re going to see even more changes to how we shop for products and services, chat with our friends, family and coworkers and how we find and leave jobs. If you want to be part of the revolution taking place online, conquering that mountain with putting on the hiking boots. It’s not too late.  

Ready to get geared up for a powerful 2011? Sing it with me – Climb Every Mountain. 


Got social media questions? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook or connect with me on LinkedIn – I’m always on.

6 Responses to “Climbing the Social Media Mountain”

  1. Great post Julia (and love The Sound of Music!). Be authentic, be patient & do good are the three guidelines I try to adhere to most and have found the payoff to be totally worth it.

    Her’s to a great 2011!

    • Julia Rosien says:

      Thanks so much for stopping by, Stephanie! Love your three rules of social media engagement – let’s hope more companies “get it” in 2011.

      Happy New Year’s!


  2. Rossana Wyatt says:

    Awesome post Julia! So bang on every point, love how you worked it into the song, so creative! Can’t wait to get to know you better in 2011!

    Happy new Year!


    • Julia Rosien says:

      I knew there were a few closet Sound of Music Lovers out there! Glad you liked the post, Rossana – I know you’re ready to climb those mountains this year!

      Looking forward to getting to know you better as well. Bring on 2011!


  3. Melissa Galt says:

    Refreshing to finally have time to see a post like this and not have it buried beneath so much noise. I am only sorry I didn’t do this sooner but had to learn what I had to learn. Also makes me realize how many others are where I was and unable to engage with the weight of too many who mean too little.

    Julia you are a shining example of how to keep it real and make it work all at once. To a Brilliant New Year! M

    • Julia Rosien says:

      Melissa, thank you for visiting me here on SocialNorth – and for commenting. I am a long-time admirer of yours and it’s an honor to welcome you. I’m looking forward to learning with you with you in 2011 – I have a feeling it’s going to be a fun-filled, action-packed year!


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