Social Media Strategies that Work

Getting up close and personal with your customers

In 2007, NPR host, Simon Scott, said, “If you’re going to be naked…you better be buff,” during a conversation about how social networking was going to change how we view the world.

I joined Facebook in 2006 but I had no idea how it would change how I buy – and even who I buy from. And I’m not alone. Many people I know won’t consider a major purchase from a company that doesn’t have a web address. And if they’re connected on facebook, even better.

Why social media?

Think about meeting someone at a bar. You chat, enjoy a drink together and get to know her better. But you’d be shocked if your new friend suggested that you go back to her apartment instead of buying a drink.

Think of your social networking strategy as your chance to meet people in a safe, friendly environment. It’s a gentle way to introduce them to your values as a company, your products and your satisfied customers. And when you combine your social media efforts with SEO, you’ve got a winning combination.

Finding fan love

Creating and growing a vibrant community on a social networking platform isn’t rocket science. But it takes time, dedication and a whole lot of chatting. And more than a fair share of social graces.

Think of the last office Christmas party you attended. Someone spent a lot of time organizing it – the caterer, decorating the hall, booking the DJ – that stuff didn’t just happen. When you arrived, were you greeted and invited into the festivities with a handshake and a smile? Hopefully you felt the spirit of the holiday and relaxed into the evening.

Your social marketing platform, to be effective, should have a similar vibe. Sure, it’s not always a party, but feeling welcomed – that’s always important. If your business is serious, your social networking platform can be serious – what works for a widget manufacturer will not work for a cosmetics company.

Finding the right fit for your company is important.

And just like there’s always one person at the party who forgets they’re with co-workers, there are inappropriate people in social media. Understanding how to navigate a safe – and lucrative – path through social networking is fraught with challenges. Difficult, yes. Impossible, not at all.

Ready to talk to someone about how you can start reaping the rewards of community engagement on social networks? Contact me and let’s start the conversation!

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