Strategy Insights

Brand Ambassadorship & Blogging

When it comes to writing about (and endorsing) products, the line bloggers walk can be as treacherous as walking across Niagara Falls on a tightrope. Balance is important but determination, faith and focus on the end game also contribute to whether you’ll drop in the drink or make it to the other side safely …

Is Instagram Worth Your Time?

Thankfully, photo sharing for businesses is as simple as being creative (on Instagram). Consumers want to be inspired, captured and even a little inside info shared could catch the eye of someone who needs the products or services you offer …

Top 5 Social Media Mistakes

The good news is most people understand the importance of social media and are using it to make the world a better place. The bad news is, we’re also making the same mistakes over and over and over – as individuals and as businesses. As social media becomes more mainstream and more powerful, the stakes to game it get stronger too …

“How To” Blogging Basics

Blogs are chameleons. Companies use them to communicate and interact with clients, stakeholders and even suppliers. Newspapers and magazines use them to offer an alternate view of the news. Individuals use them to help create their personal brand online …

Market Your Business Using Social Media

Opening the doors and turning on the open sign doesn’t ensure a stampede. Communicate with your consumers. Let them know about your product or services, what you’re doing and how to find you online and off …

How Do I Use Pinterest for Business?

Seems like just yesterday people were saying a word that made you raise an eyebrow – Twitter. Now there’s Pinterest. Maybe you’re already dabbling to see how it can help you grow your business online …

Brands that Lead and Don’t Follow

You love a product so much that you’d drive across town just to be lucky enough to buy it, hold it in your hands. As you’re paying for your purchase, you find it on Twitter – you whip out your smart phone and follow and chat and share your brand love with the Twitterverse …

Social Media Management Packages

SocialNorth brings years of experience and a wealth of furniture and bedding industry contacts to the table to help you achieve your goals. We’re two partners, Julia & Dana, drawn together by a shared passion for doing great work with great clients – from full-on brand creation to building a successful sales funnel. We bring our experience and passion to every project.

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the SEO Galaxy

Search engines are big business and they have a responsibly to online searchers. If they don’t deliver relevant content, they lose searchers to their competitors. Getting found online is all about understanding what the search engines want …

Without Agenda

When’s the last time you unshackled your brain from its electronic frenzy? Most of us begin each morning with coffee and email, then move onto Twitter, then Facebook…and see who’s been creeping our LinkedIn profiles …


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