Editorial Calendar – Social Media Strategy Must-Have

Organizing content to keep you on track

Keeping the message on target and timely is one of the biggest challenges I hear from community managers.  How do you keep the content flowing in a way that makes sense to the community? Is there a way to make the creation of content less painful than donating a kidney when it’s time to post an update?

Take a note from this former journalist’s toolbox and build yourself an editorial calendar.

How an editorial calendar can work for you

Use an Editorial Calendar and stay calmSocial media is my business and I spend a lot of time in this playground. But maybe you’re using social media as a tool to help you sell more of whatever you sell. An editorial calendar will help you make your efforts on social media (and your blog) more efficient. And give you more time selling.

No one can argue with how social media is the warm handshake for businesses, helping you create and nurture relationships in the virtual world. But sharing content in a streamlined, methodical way will help your communities learn more about your business in bite-sized, digestible portions. It makes your life easier and it makes it easier for people to understand your reason for being.

Think of your editorial calendar the same way an editor of a magazine does. If you’re publishing a travel magazine, for example, sharing stories of the Caribbean in July would be foolish. Unless your magazine is only about the Caribbean, you should save those stories for the fall and winter when you know people are researching destinations online. While your business might not follow the sun like a travel business does, you can still create themes in your social media and blog to organize and dispense content.

The editorial K.I.S.S policy

Plan ahead for message continuityYour editorial calendar doesn’t have to be anything flashy – but it does have to make your life easier. My editorial calendar follows these rules:

  • One year per tab – this will allow you to have historical perspective year over year.
  • NEVER delete anything – never! Seriously, you can move it or hide it or make notes about it but don’t delete it.
  • Make notes below each month on successes and failures – and add comments if needed to help you remember. You will forget.
  • Add links to your posts if that helps – anything to jog your memory.

And lastly, use it. The calendar will save you time (and a lot of angst) but you have to use it for it to work.

If you’d like to steal my editorial calendar, shoot me an email and I’ll send it to you. No strings attached – I’m more than happy to share. The only thing I ask is that you share your feedback with me. Tell me how it’s working for you. Share any improvements you make along the way so we can help others.

So let’s hear it. Is this helpful? What’s missing, what works, what’s better? Feel free to leave a comment below or shout out to us  on Facebook or Twitter – We’re always on.

18 Responses to “Editorial Calendar – Social Media Strategy Must-Have”

  1. Greg Lehman says:

    This is fantastic. Expect an email from me today.

    Thanks for sharing Julia!

  2. Jessica says:

    I agree they are a 100% must!! Thank you for this post.

  3. Bec Susan Gill says:

    Hi Guys,
    Great article, thank you so much for sharing!
    Am emailing you right now to request your calendar. Bec 🙂

  4. Rob Winters says:

    Great article, Julia! Of course, I want to share this.

  5. I like this idea and must start using one of these too. Will be emailing, thank you

  6. Everybody working on social media should have one of this. Email sent!!!

  7. Michelle says:

    Looking forward to checking out your calendar Julia – sending you an email. Looks like you’ll be getting so fantastic feedback from all these responses! M

  8. Carole says:

    I’d love a glance at your calendar! Very excited to see how a pro does it 🙂


  9. Sven says:

    Great post! Organization is one of the keys to success in blogging and social media. Regular interactions can get tedious, and knowing whether or not you’ve published on a particular subject gets more difficult the more you post.

    Love the “hopper” on your editorial calendar! While I realize it focused more on the editorial side of things, it would be great to integrate your social media promotion schedule of those posts in there as well.

    Nice work!

    • Julia Rosien says:

      Glad you liked it, Sven. I agree, social needs its own scheduling system, which I have on another tab – too much in one area makes it too cluttered to see what needs to be done – for me.

      Hope it works for you!

  10. Dan says:

    I really enjoyed this post. I just sent you an email. I am looking forward to finding out how to set up the calendar.



  1. […] One of the best pieces of advice I have for individuals and businesses is this: develop a schedule.  Use a legal pad, an online calendar or create an editorial/social media calendar and stick to it! This will save you hours of frustration and make it much easier  to develop or produce content. It’s more calming to know you what you need to write about or post for the next week or month than getting up everyday and trying to decide.  Voice of experience talking here, so listen!  My dear friend Julia Rosien published an exceptional post about this on her Social North site: Editorial Calendar – Social Media Strategy Must Do. […]

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