Archive for 'Strategy'

Presidents Welcome at Red Egg

WithIt Wrap-Up 2012

My goals for my year as president revolved around connection. Celebrating our 15th anniversary this year, we needed a refreshed approach to connecting to each other, our sponsors and supporters. And we needed those connections to be face to face and digital – strong, sustainable pipelines across all channels.

What do you blog about

“How To” Blogging Basics

Blogs are chameleons. Companies use them to communicate and interact with clients, stakeholders and even suppliers. Newspapers and magazines use them to offer an alternate view of the news. Individuals use them to help create their personal brand online …

what is social networking?

Market Your Business Using Social Media

Opening the doors and turning on the open sign doesn’t ensure a stampede. Communicate with your consumers. Let them know about your product or services, what you’re doing and how to find you online and off …

Build your Pinterest-ed community

How Do I Use Pinterest for Business?

Seems like just yesterday people were saying a word that made you raise an eyebrow – Twitter. Now there’s Pinterest. Maybe you’re already dabbling to see how it can help you grow your business online …

How to build a brand

Brands that Lead and Don’t Follow

You love a product so much that you’d drive across town just to be lucky enough to buy it, hold it in your hands. As you’re paying for your purchase, you find it on Twitter – you whip out your smart phone and follow and chat and share your brand love with the Twitterverse …

Team Julia and Dana

Dana Helms ~ Social Media Community Manager

As SocialNorth approaches its second birthday, I’m excited to announce that we’re growing again with the addition of a social media community manager. Dana has the DNA for social media and I was thrilled when she agreed to join the SocialNorth team. I hope you’ll agree, she’s the kind of person I want watching over and growing my brand online.

Reaching Full Social Media Potential

Social Media Management Packages

SocialNorth brings years of experience and a wealth of furniture and bedding industry contacts to the table to help you achieve your goals. We’re two partners, Julia & Dana, drawn together by a shared passion for doing great work with great clients – from full-on brand creation to building a successful sales funnel. We bring our experience and passion to every project.

Is your strategy missing pieces?

Got a Social Strategy?

Businesses are diving deep into the social pond where some rise gracefully, gliding through the flotsam and jetsam. Others sink like the titanic, completely unprepared for the havoc they’ve brought upon themselves. Let’s be honest – doing it right takes time and concentrated effort …

Julia & Steve Elton from Brown Jordan

Networking Lessons at High Point Market

Being online is my business but the networks I use are just tools to help me connect with people. A conversation that takes place in 140 characters or less will never replace a face-to-face conversation.

Stand out in a crowd

SEO Copywriting & Blogging Best Practices

Get your blog on with these tips & tricks Confession: I’m a word junkie. The choice of one word over another can change our perception of issues, products and other people. As a former journalist and communications director and now professional blogger and social media strategist, words – and how I use them – are […]

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