News Flash ~ Social Media for Business

And in related news, company see, company do

When I was a kid and wanted to do something my parents considered stupid, I was asked, “If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you jump off one too?” Social networking can feel like jumping off a cliff – are we doing it just because all our friends are doing it?

Better have a big parachute!Contrary to popular belief, social media won’t win you friends and influence people. It won’t even improve sales. In fact, if your company isn’t transparent and suffers from questionable customer service, you better have a really big parachute.  

But get this, there’s a difference between social media and social networking. Social networking can improve customer relationships and introduce you to people who may want what you have to offer. All you have to do is play nice and make friends.


Social media vs social networking

Social media is no different than old-fashioned, traditional top/down public relations. The company still controls the brand message – Facebooking and Twittering is done in a vacuum to ensure a brand presence. But it’s a waste of time, money and resources because no one’s talking back.

Companies that jump into the conversation and share their human side, that’s social networking. It’s about being real and once in a while talking about the product or service. Look at this example from eTrendz on Facebook:

  • eTrendz – It’s a good Tuesday here; how about for you? 🙂
  • Facebook user – It’s a rainy and very cold tuesday x)  
  • eTrendz – A promotional offer just for you!! eTrendz Shop is offering Free US Shipping on Jerry Garcia Neckties…Offer good through 11/10/10.

Companies that enter social networking with the intent on making friends first and selling second, win. They win increased sales, loyal customers and brand disciples.

The fishbowl environment of social media promotes good companies and naturally lets the world know which ones to avoid. A Facebook wall littered with complaints is self-explanatory.

If you’re using social networking to turn around a bad situation, good for you. Just make sure you’ve fixed the problem first. Saying you’ve fixed it without fixing it is wrong – and will get you into trouble.  

The social networking philosophy

Bridging to successRemember, social networking exists because people enjoy it. Save the heavy lifting of product specs and education for your website. If people want to learn more about you and what you do, they’ll visit you there. Give your potential customers the respect they deserve and let them make the choice.

Make your social networking efforts fun and real and you’ll make friends. Simple. Honest. Easy.

Be the friend, party planner and cocktail hostess – rather than the advertiser.

I considered sharing examples of companies on Facebook that don’t get it, but I want to be fair. This stuff is new to all of us and we’re still learning what works and what doesn’t. But there are a few rockstars and they can definitely teach us all how to do this better. Read through these Facebook finds and see if you agree:

Fairytale Brownies

Soap and Glory

Bare Escentuals Cosmetics

The Clean Bedroom Organic Mattress and Bedding Store


I’d love to hear your thoughts on social media vs social networking. Leave a comment, friend me on Facebook or shout out on Twitter – let’s start talking!

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