Twitter – The Pay-It-Forward-Network

Guest Blogger – John Lusher, Social Media Strategist

Please welcome John Lusher, social media strategist, to I’ve known John for more than 2 years through social media and the effort he invests in promoting others amazes me. Whether he’s on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, John embodies the power of the Pay-it-Forward-Philosophy.

If you’re struggling with how to make your social media experience more meaningful and sustainable, pull up a chair. John has some great advice to share.

Take it away, John!

John Lusher, Social Media StrategistSome call this paying it forward. Whatever you call it, here are some thoughts on how and where to promote others.

Promote other blogs

Does someone in your network have a blog?  If so, promote it. Start by reading it regularly and commenting on posts. If a post captivates you or speaks to a topic that your network would find useful, tweet it, take a moment to share it on Facebook or LinkedIn too. If appropriate, share that person’s blog or website in your newsletter and link it on your own site or blog.


I think Facebook is one of the most underutilized tools for promoting someone. Take a moment to give a shout out to the person on your wall and tag them. Provide a genuine mini-testimonial for the person and encourage others to connect with them if appropriate. If you have a Facebook Fan Page, and if they have a Fan Page too, this offers more opportunities for promotion. Feature a blog article link from their site to your Fan Page; suggest that your fans “Like” their page and reference it in your posts for a day.


This one is easy. Take a day and retweet (RT) some of that person’s best tweets. Make Twitter introductions to people in your network that could be valuable to that person’s profession or personal interest. Compose a tweet or two and link to a compelling blog article for your contact. Give genuine praise for the person. Not a #FollowFriday type shout out, but a genuine, “this is why you should follow and interact with” recommendation.


Okay, this one may be even easier, in my opinion. Write a recommendation. Sit down and write a genuine recommendation on your contact based upon personal knowledge, work experience or any other area of their business that is appropriate. I encourage you to do this without being asked. Your friend will be surprised and grateful that you took the time to write a LinkedIn recommendation they can highlight on their profile.


Develop TrustIf your contact is someone you interact with in real life, attend an event with them and make introductions to your network. Spend the time connecting them to people that can be beneficial to their business or to them personally.

All of these ideas take very little time and could result in valuable connections being made for your contact. So my question to you is this; what are you waiting for?

In a recent post, Promoting Others More Than Yourself, I highlighted why you should promote others. It’s not that you shouldn’t promote yourself or your own projects, but the point is to promote others more. Not only does it serve you well, but I’s the right thing to do. I am a firm believer in building a network that is available to serve others by promoting them and connecting the right people.

John Lusher is a social media consultant, strategist and manager. In addition to social media duties, he handles marketing services for Consolidated Construction Services, an insurance restoration company. John speaks often to other restoration companies as well as insurance industry companies about social media and building their own community. An avid practitioner and believer of connecting with others, John works to build his own network for the benefit of others. When not working behind the screen, he can be found relaxing with a fine cigar or playing drums.

Connect with John:




30 Responses to “Twitter – The Pay-It-Forward-Network”

  1. Tracie says:

    Thanks so much for this! It is great. It is all very time consuming for us small businesses but I think worth it.

    • Julia Rosien says:

      Hi Tracie, I agree – it can be time consuming but it can also have a huge effect on your business. And although the learning curve can be steep, it gets easier. Don’t give up and make sure you follow folks like John who do it really well. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment….see ya on Twitter and Facebook!

  2. Leslie Coty says:

    Great post, John! You practice what you preach!

  3. Great post, John!! I’m a strong believer in the power of paying it forward 🙂

  4. John Lusher says:

    Thank you Julia for this opportunity and for all of the comments!!!

  5. Janeson says:

    Great info from the social media “go-to” guy!

  6. Rossana says:

    Great post, thanks for sharing. Promoting others and paying it forward is always important!

  7. FunkySteph says:

    Great post, it is a philosophy I love and being part of both your’s and John’s network help me believing strongly in it.

  8. Paul Tran says:

    Hey John!

    I’ve been seeing this shared throughout the Twittersphere and finally had a chance to “pull up a chair” and read it – and I wish I had listened to Julia earlier (she can say “I told you so” if she wanted to =P). But…

    * Yes – I agree; Facebook is the most underutilized tool for promoting other people’s blogs. I always think of Facebook of 1 big IM party, and it’s all about awareness. Now that you’ve turned me on to the fact that it’s a huge medium, I want to maximize the vehicle more!
    * I love your philosophy of helping others; even though the playing field has changed, the fundamentals ring true – maybe even more so – that you’ll get what you want and need if you help other people get what they want and need. Some need a voice – be that megaphone!

    Keep crankin’ out gold, JL!

    • John Lusher says:

      Thanks for the comments Paul!!! My brother you are spot on with your assessment and with the fact you should have listened to Julia earlier! LOL I am proud to be that megaphone my friend!

    • Julia Rosien says:

      John, I would never ever say I told you so – it’s just not in me…most days! So glad you’ve seen the light and have joined the revolution – and John is a brilliant teacher!


  9. j steele says:

    This is a beautiful idea and it’s not just theory, it’s powerful when I see someone like John practice this. It makes me realize that not only is it possible but it’s really life-giving to promote others. Sometimes just adding a ! at the end of a short comment will communicate so much more passion- and that’s contagious!
    Thanks for sharing and practicing what you preach!

    • Julia Rosien says:

      So true! Social media can be a flat form of communication and it takes lots of !!! and 🙂 to add color and let people know you are truly engaged and excited to be part of their world. And of course the sharing…that’s just beautiful!

  10. Gwen says:

    Loved this John! Thanks for sharing with others what I know you practice every day. I think as small business owners, we have to support each other. The “pay-it-forward” model is an amazing way to connect your network with people who can help them build their business…and so on…and so on.

    And a big thank you for supporting me when I launched my business. You are most awesome! Ditto to you, Julia! Much gratitude for the virtual love!

    • Julia Rosien says:

      Always happy to share, Gwen and super-happy to see another entrepreneur launch herself! Glad you liked John’s post – I think he’s pretty darn awesome too 🙂

  11. I can’t wait to tell my tribe about this awesome post, and the terrific comments and conversation that follow. Nice work John and Julia. I know “paying it forward” seems simple, but clearly it’s not because most people are invested in themselves first and foremost. And can you blame us? We’re human. But John’s approach – which he practices beautifully, almost reminds me of that Pareto Principle (i.e. 20% of your activities yield 80% of your results). Promoting others more than yourself is that 20%. You want to make a difference, and stand out in your social media (i.e. communications) efforts? Implement the ideas John has listed above, support others and reap the rewards. Rewards which will be richer than you can imagine.

    • Julia Rosien says:

      Beautifully written, Rochelle. I agree though, just because something is simple doesn’t make it easy – if that were true we’d all have super model bodies and be self-made millionaires 🙂 John daily puts into practice what he discusses here, focused and dedicated. I am honored to call him friend and beyond thrilled that he shared so much of his philosophy here on SocialNorth – as are so many others. Thanks for stopping by and adding your wisdom – much appreciated!

  12. Gina Parris says:

    Wow, I love this post and in fact I am bookmarking it. I know that what John describes is especially time consuming for me because I get totally lost in the “referred blog.” For example I have enjoyed so much of Social North, since stopping by here to read John’s words. NICE BLOG!
    Still, I love meeting friends of friends and if my pals refer someone of value, it is always a treat.

    • Julia Rosien says:

      Hi Gina,
      Thanks so much for visiting AND for taking the time to leave such a lovely comment! John is amazing in all that he does and his leadership on Twitter is second to none – and by the comments here, it’s obvious so many agree. Awesome to meet you and connect like this because of John.

  13. Philip Allen says:

    Even though this post is a few years old, it is still true, and John authentically puts into practice what he preaches. I’ve heard that we cannot possibly out-give our fellow humans, and I believe that. And I’ve seen it in both John Lusher and Julia Rosien.

    Thank you for the post!

    • Julia Rosien says:

      Thank you, Phillip – what a beautiful comment. I count myself very lucky to have friends like you and John in my life – and I have social media to thank for that.
      Cheers, my friend!

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