Blog ~ Social North

Do You Disclose Sponsored Tweets, Updates & Posts?

Almost all social media sites use paid advertising messages as part of their revenue model. Individual bloggers, myself included, work with brands to promote products or services through those social media channels. Sometimes the nature of those messages is unclear, but that’s about to change with a renewed interest by the FTC …

Twitter True Story ~ When One Door Closes

We’re honored to welcome Craig Silva, AKA @BigDaddyKreativ and @FordCraigSilva, to SocialNorth. Craig is the Senior Community Manager for Ford Canada and a personal friend of mine. We met two years ago and following his journey has been inspiring – to say the least.

Firing a Wrong-for-You Client

For many entrepreneurs, we think we need every business opportunity that comes our way, but unprofitable or exhausting business relationships can detract you from finding quality clients. In fact, we mistakenly see some clients as a life preserver – when they’re actually the iceberg that can take us down. Even in our tumultuous economic climate, ending a business relationship …

Unblocking Writer’s Block ~ For Bloggers

All writers and bloggers have experienced writer’s block at one point or another. If you’re blogging for business, it can be stressful to have a deadline looming and inspiration coming from nowhere. Blogging for business can be tricky because while the content is focused on the brand, the personal, intimate voice of the blogger is what makes it sharable …

The Art of Effective Business Networking

How do you transform your social media networks into a powerful, sustainable community? You take them offline, face-to-face, every chance you get. I connect with people online for the same reason I join networking groups – because we share similar interests or we have a similar focus in business.

The Art of Editing Your Blog Posts

What separates the good from the great communicators is the ability AND willingness to rework their writing over and over again until it glistens like a polished gem ~ to see it as adding a final sheen to their work. Writing a blog post (or a column or a book) is all about communicating …

Brand Ambassadorship & Blogging

When it comes to writing about (and endorsing) products, the line bloggers walk can be as treacherous as walking across Niagara Falls on a tightrope. Balance is important but determination, faith and focus on the end game also contribute to whether you’ll drop in the drink or make it to the other side safely …

Mother and Daughter Take on the Nokia Lumia 920

During the Holiday Swap Challenge, my daughter (Grace) and I took weekly turns using the phone. As a blogger and social media user herself, I wanted to see if she’d exercise different features. Turns out that although my daughter connects to those around her differently (and incessantly) …

WithIt Wrap-Up 2012

My goals for my year as president revolved around connection. Celebrating our 15th anniversary this year, we needed a refreshed approach to connecting to each other, our sponsors and supporters. And we needed those connections to be face to face and digital – strong, sustainable pipelines across all channels.

Windows 8 ~ Nokia 920

Would you give up your smart phone for a day? A week? Would you trade it for a smart phone built on an unknown (to you) operating system? For many, the answer’s a simple NO.

Microsoft Canada challenged a group of bloggers (myself included) to give up our phones in exchange for the Nokia Lumina 920, a Windows 8 phone …


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