140 Characters goes a long way

Annie in NYCAnnie takes on NYC

Please welcome Annie Tran, the newest member of the SocialNorth Team. Annie has been campaigning furiously on Twitter to win tickets to the #140 Conference in New York City and we’re happy to support her here on SocialNorth. If you want to help Annie get to NYC to be part of Jeff Pulver’s awesome #140 Conference, leave a comment below or tweet this post with this hashtag: #140conf. Make sure you use Annie’s Twitter handle so Jeff knows who you’re talking about: @_AnnieTran

140 Characters goes a LONG way

When I first started using Twitter, I was on an ongoing hunt to find a straight-forward ‘HOW-TO’ manual so someone could just tell me what I need to do to be successful. It wasn’t too long afterwards that I realized that there was no “Social Media for Dummies” book out there because there were thousands of people with different opinions on how to you should tweet. I finally realized that there was no right or wrong way to use Social Media, as long as you stuck to best practices (which you learn along the journey) and you had to stay true to yourself.

Annie's packed and ready to goJeff Pulver tweeted that he was going to give a VIP trip to attend the conference for whomever had the best “I’d like to attend #140conf because..” tweet. For those of you who have met me, you would know that I only read between the lines. So, if you were on Twitter last night, you would have noticed that I tweeted 140 reasons why I wanted to attend the #140 Conference in NYC. Why you may ask? I want to go to Jeff Pulver’s #140 Conference so badly that I want everyone in the Twitterverse to hear my voice. I didn’t do anything crazy or out of character, i was just being, well, me! I told the Twitter world about how much I love NYC street meat, how I secretly want to be a Broadway star, and I even expressed that I just want to learn more about myself and about the social media world. My voice was heard and people on Twitter could see how determined and passionate I was about wanting to go. Soon enough, I had my own Twitter cheerleading squad complete with brand new Twitter friends!

Please Pick Me !

140conf here I come!Although Jeff hasn’t chosen the winner yet, (PLEASE PICK ME), the social media world has once again wowed and amazed me even more. It made me realize that I didn’t need to read a hand book on how to Tweet or consult a ‘Twitter Expert’ – I just had to be myself, and most importantly, be open to learn. Everyday there’s a different lesson to be learned, we’re all still learning – just some faster than others!  

The opportunities that Twitter brings to the table are unimaginable. Yesterday, my 140 reasons caught the attention of one of the #140 Conference speakers, Jay Ehret (@themarketingguy). When I was tweeting my 140 reasons, I wasn’t even expecting a response from anyone, let alone one of the #140 Conference speakers. Twitter is instant, it’s fast, it’s unpredictable – be ready to embrace it!

So, as I continue my journey to get to the #140 Conference in NYC, I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone for your support. Just be yourself because you never know, you might end up in New York City! So, Jeff Pulver, if you’re reading this – PICK ME TO GO TO THE #140 CONFERENCE IN NYC!

3 Responses to “140 Characters goes a long way”

  1. FunkySteph says:

    I will keep my fingers crossed that you will be picked Julia! I love your determination and how you put things in place toreach to goal you’ve set. i admire you for that and learn so much following you! Go Julia, Go!!! #140conf

    • Julia Rosien says:

      Thank you, Steph! I love our friendship on Twitter, Facebook – someday I’ll get to Luxemburg too! This post was actually written by new assistant, the amazing Annie Trann – and she did win! We’re traveling to New York City next week for the 140 Conference. It is going to be an AMAZING adventure!

      Enjoy your day, Steph!

  2. sheila says:

    Good for Annie! How awesome! I’ll be looking forward to photos and updates of course! 🙂

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