140 Conf ONT Deconstructed

Leading change starts with one person – and sometimes 140 characters…

Today's Mom'sCan Twitter change a life? Can Facebook transform a business? Can YouTube challenge how you think or feel about something? Most people agree the social Internet has transformed our culture – but not everyone sees it as positive. Jeff Pulver’s State of Now Conferences around the world are all about the power of positivity online and how every single update can be a movement toward a better world.

Last week I traveled to New York City to take part in the 140 Conference and explore the “State of Now.” But let me be clear. This post is not about all the inspiring speakers who graced the stage in New York City. That information can be found on the 140Conf site and in the video below:

[140Conf video]

This post is about the #140Conf coming to Ontario, Canada and why I’m involved with it.

Waterloo’s 140 Conference will be about ordinary people changing our world, one conversation at a time. It’s about a group of people coming together to share and learn. If you think it sounds a little “I’d like to teach the world to sing,” you’re right. It is.

And in all honesty, couldn’t we all use a little more of that in our lives?

Sharing ideas, big and small

Jeff Pulver, DJ Khaled, and Annie TranThe social web has never been about one idea. It’s never been about the quick fix. And it’s certainly never been about the death of traditional advertising.

From the start, it’s been about making our big world smaller. Shrinking the divide between continent and culture, providing a place to talk to people we otherwise would never have known…Tearing down the silos of our lives and making open dialogue easier and gentler.

That businesses are using it to communicate with customers was never the plan. But it’s working in millions of beautiful ways. It’s personal and its business – and that’s where the magic lives.

The 140 Conference in Ontario will bring together business owners, leaders and everyday folks to share their experiences. If I discover a new way to reach my customers, wouldn’t it be great if you could learn that lesson too? If I can comfort, teach or share my story with someone in a way that helps us both, isn’t that worth gathering for?

Using social sites, for me, reduces wasted time and resources and makes the web more relevant and useful. That’s what makes my business unique and why I share trade secrets on my blog. We’re building a better web and that only happens we work together.

Waterloo Region’s state of now

Scott Mills and Gaby ZwannI’m a Kitchener native – grew up here, married here, raised my children here and do business here. But I also do business in California, Arizona and North Carolina, to name a few states. Throughout my career I’ve done more business south of the border than in my hometown. But working with organizations like the WaterlooMIN and CanWIT has shown me that finding magic in your own backyard can be a heady experience.

Sometimes I feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz…

When we began discussing bringing the 140Conf here, Toronto popped up on our radar. They’re a world-class city and they had raised their hand to be the first 140 Conference in Canada. But the passion of our team spread like a grassfire and we secured a venue, began reaching out to speakers and started approaching sponsors. While the folks in Toronto get organized, we’re doing it. Now.

That’s the true power of the 140 Conference in Ontario. Passion + Purpose = Change.

September 15, 2011

Ann CurryEveryone is curious to hear who the headliners will be, what big names we’ll be bringing in to share their passion. I’m excited about sharing that information with you too. But you won’t find those answers here. Who will speak at the Ontario 140 Conference is just as important as who will be in the audience.

Will you be there? Are you prepared to lead change?

A former boss and mentor told me that it takes one person to change an organization (thanks Lance!). I want to be that person. I want to lead change. Do you want to be that person too?

From 9 am to 4 pm on Sept 15, 2011, we’ll be listening to the power of possibility in every conversation at the Tannery. I know there will be an indefinable but very real energy in the air because I’ve been to a 140 Conference and witnessed it firsthand. But I also know the vibrant and passionate flavor of the Waterloo Region will make this a conference unique unto itself.

And I know that each person who attends will be ready, willing and able to lead change. Will you be there?

Curious who’s making the magic happen here in Waterloo? It is my honor to introduce you to the #140ConfONT team:

Lisa McDonald – If you’ve ever looked directly into the sun, you know Lisa. She’s a fireball of generosity and warmth and our fearless leader.

Benjamin Bach and Trevor Cherewka are heading up our sponsorship team. If you want to be part of this event and lead change with your company, you need to know these two.

Dee Brun Gow, Rossana Wyatt, Jason Dykstra, Tricia Mumby, Diane Morgan, Kevin Magee, Caitlin Madden, Matt Scobel and I, Julia Rosien, make up the rest of the worker bees getting things moving.

If you want to speak on stage at the #140confOnt or find out how you can get involved, join our Facebook group – today! In a few days we’ll have a website live and a place where you can buy tickets.

What does the State of Now look like for you? Join me on September 15 and let’s share our vision with each other. Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook or connect with me on LinkedIn – I’m always on.

2 Responses to “140 Conf ONT Deconstructed”

  1. Sean Moffitt says:

    Somebody had mentioned on how 140 was coming to Ontario last night and I had to follow up on their enthusiasm with your post.

    Let me know if you’d like another speaker with a spark, a recently published book, stage presence and Laurier alumni status in his background.

    Sean Moffitt

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