The path to content marketing salvation isn’t easy but it’s manageable. Honest!
For many businesses, the emergence of blogs was their burning bush. Most didn’t understand it (content marketing) at first but there’s no denying that so many have come to see it as their path to salvation. All joking aside, using a smart keyword strategy (hint: there’s research involved) and the right social media channels (for your business), you can build a content marketing strategy that’s both sustainable and cost effective.
So all we have to do is combine keywords with a strong on-site blogging platform and social media engagement and we’ve got it? Simple right? Wrong, it’s simple but maybe not that easy.
Understanding how to use content marketing is a lot like reading the catechism. Begin with the basics and practice to learn. You won’t get it perfect with your first post, but you’ll learn as you go.
I’ve been blogging since 2007 and I’d like to share some of my hard-learned lessons with you. Consider it your cheat sheet to getting to those pearly gates with a few less sins on your dossier.
- Get creative. As a business blogger, you’re as much as storyteller as you are a marketer. Each post should be about what your customer needs from you – but it needs to be artfully told. In your brand voice.
- Tell the truth. Your customers are looking for information and it’s your blog’s job to give it to them. Leave the marketing speak and advertorial for the rest of your website. Your opinion is important but don’t make up stories to make your point.
- Respect the contract. There’s an implicit contract between you (the blogger) and me (your reader). For my time as a reader, I understand and believe that your blog is going to give me something of value, whether it’s information, links to other relevant articles or purchasing information. Make your blog the light that shines on what your customer needs from you.
- Get personal. A blog post is personal, not because it’s about yourself, but because it allows us to get to know your business better. Unlike a responsible journalist or technical writer, your brand personality is part of the story. You’re a participant in it. You, the writer, are always there, indicating for us what you think about the subject at hand – and what we can learn from it.
- Give to get. Your blog should vibrant and alive and full of opinions and helpful information. People who write great blogs understand the value of sharing and of feedback. A blog is opinion-based and the true power of it lies in the comments that follow – and your response to them. FYI, if criticism scares you, developing a thick skin and a sense of humor should be your top priority before launching your blog.
- Engage your readers. Every single comment posted on your blog deserves a response. Every single one. Your readers took the time to share their feelings and you owe it to them the acknowledge that gift with a response. Not responding to a comment is like not answering your customer service line. Doesn’t exactly extend a warm and cozy feeling, does it?
- Be nice. Not everyone is going to agree with you or even understand you. Some people will be critical and mean about your writing. Some may even call you names. My advice? Be nice. Don’t reduce yourself to a flame war on your own blog. Thank the haters for taking the time to visit and share their thoughts and then move onto the next comment.
- Share with abundance. Just because you write it doesn’t mean they will come. Using social media will help the search engines find you faster and bring more people to your site. It’s called content marketing – using keywords to signal to the search engines that you’re doing something over here that’s worth taking a look at. The downside is that if you use the wrong keywords, you may get the wrong kind of traffic – or worse. Traffic that doesn’t convert.
- Elevate other bloggers. Blogs are a powerful force because they intertwine and work together. Writing a blog without ever reading a blog is impossible – the system is built on reciprocity. What’s more, developing a unique voice on your blog takes time and practice and other bloggers can help with their valuable feedback. If you never visit another blog but expect other bloggers to visit you…enough said.
- Don’t give up. I can hear my mother saying, “If it’s worth doing, it not going to be easy.” Sadly, she’s right. This stuff isn’t easy and it can hurt when you publish your brilliant post and no one (other than Mom) visits. Don’t give up. You can do this. How can I be so sure? You’re reading my blog and that’s a brilliant first step.
Blogging do’s and don’ts cheat sheet
Do use the first person
- Do use lots of detail
- Do show instead of tell
- Do keep it short and sweet
- Do make a point
- Do tell the truth
- Don’t overstate your point
- Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty
- Don’t water the truth down
- Don’t make things up
- Don’t rely too heavily on cuteness
If you’re struggling with your digital strategy, I’d love to hear your questions and how I can help. Drop a comment below or shoot me an email and let’s start talking.
In the meantime, these posts might help you begin your content marketing journey:
- How to work with guest bloggers
- How to write persuasive blog content
- Why competitive keyword research is important
I particularly enjoy your page on 10 Commandments of Blogging | Social North and of course I will be back again.
.. Cheers!!
Thanks for the cheat sheet! I am new to blogging, but am having fun. These are good tips to keep in mind, as I think of posts to write.
Wow Julia! Your 10 commandments on blogging was enlightening for me. I had no idea so much energy went in to it. Thanks for sharing.