Practical tips for getting out of your own way and getting down to writing
All writers and bloggers have experienced writer’s block at one point or another. If you’re blogging for business, it can be stressful to have a deadline looming and inspiration coming from nowhere…The inability to perform can be debilitating, especially when it happens often.
Blogging for business can be tricky because while the content is focused on the brand, the personal, intimate voice of the blogger is what makes it sharable. And let’s face it, unleashing our thoughts and feelings at work isn’t always easy. Sometimes it feels as if there’s a big stopper bottling up our feelings and no amount of prompting will pry it loose. A thousand emotions and thoughts swirl within and yet the writing is blah, blah, blah…
Relaxing into your authentic blogging voice
Take heart. Writer’s block isn’t new and it’s not unique to you – we’ve all gone through it. Instead of whipping up some amazingly boring piece of content and sending it to your manager or editor to edit the blah out of it, take matters into your own hands. Unplug and get your creative flow flowing again. I guarantee that at least one of these tricks will help you find your writing mojo again.
And your editor will thank you for not astounding them with your dull, dreary, uninspired writer’s block writing.
- Take a walk. The rhythmic movement of walking brings a sense of order to your body and mind. Swing your arms and take long strides, stimulating both sides of your brain. It might sound simple but it works.
- Meditate. Let your mind run wild. Let whatever images and words that come to you happen freely. Hint – sit up so you don’t fall asleep. Yes, I’m speaking from experience…
- Doodle. Remember doodling when you should have been listening to a lecture. Try it again and see how it works. Start with a line and draw whatever design or picture that comes to mind. Just let the pen move without thinking.
- Random writing. Mess up a blank page with whatever thoughts come into your head. No rhyme nor reason – just jot down words. Writing with a pen and paper is the key here – you’re tricking your mind into opening up its creative doors by NOT using the computer.
- Do something physical. Clean out your desk, wash a sink full of dishes or help someone else in the office clean up a mess. The process of starting and finishing a task does wonders for creativity.
Nap. A little rest in the middle of the day can be as refreshing as a shower in the morning. If you’re in a cubicle, go out to your car and set an alarm on your phone to wake you after 20 minutes. Hint: try Dr. Breus’ nap-a-latte. Drink a cup of coffee first and the caffeine will kick in as you wake up.
- Engage in another art form. If you play an instrument, unpack it and play it. If not, turn up the tunes and sing along.
- Wait a day. Sometimes giving things a little time is all that’s needed. Of course, if you blog under deadline, you’ll have to add a buffer zone to your deadline so you can enjoy this luxury.
- Read. Reading someone else’s thoughts can unlock our own. Pick up a book or read other blogs. Explore some of your earlier writing and blogging and enjoy how much you’ve grown.
- Write a letter. Sometimes writing your post as if it’s a letter unlocks the padlocks on your creativity. Write as if you’re answering a customer service query – which may answer other questions people have about your products.
Got writer’s block? What do you do to unclog and get the writing going again? Share your comments below or shout out to me on Facebook or Twitter – let’s continue the conversation.
Great ideas and a fun and funny post! Thanks for the creative reminders on how to get past that dreaded writer’s block…none of us are safe from its wrath! 😉
Great tips to follow and a reminder for interesting things to do to get inspired. As a business owner and a blogger, I am so proud that I have practiced so many of these techniques, right down to the nap!! I even crafted this blog because of it, lol.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, Nancy. Glad you liked my tips for keeping the writing channel wide open!
Wonderful suggestions for boosting those creative juices. I’ve definitely used many of these strategies, but not all. One thing that helps is my “ideas” folder. I’m always on the look for something, but don’t always know when I’ll use the seed idea. It’s captured and placed in my blogging folder. When it’s time to write, if I’m not ready with an idea, I take a look through my folder to find a nugget. Something will click and the writing begins.
It’s also interesting to me that my inspiration comes in many forms. It might be something I see, a photo I take, a phrase I hear, a conversation I have, something I read, a feeling I have, a feeling someone else has, a comment, and the list goes on.
Hi Linda, thanks for stopping by and sharing your tips. I was just chatting with a friend this morning about the process of inspiration. I’m an in-the-moment blogger and my blog posts are often a reflection of what I’m seeing or surrounded by. For me, real life is the richest source of inspiration – but there MUST be a process for capturing that inspiration and using it to create something. When I don’t write those ideas down, they’re like water in a rushing river – gone before I knew they were there. Thanks for continuing this conversation!