Tag Archives: Search Engine Optimization

share a piece of yourself

How to Write Great Content

Whether you call it content marketing or blogging, reaching out with stories humanizes companies. It makes big companies feel more approachable and small companies stronger. Free, easily shareable content attracts prospects …

Stand out in a crowd

SEO Copywriting & Blogging Best Practices

Get your blog on with these tips & tricks Confession: I’m a word junkie. The choice of one word over another can change our perception of issues, products and other people. As a former journalist and communications director and now professional blogger and social media strategist, words – and how I use them – are […]

strength and power

Building Your Site’s Popularity & Relevance

You’ve invested money, resources and creativity into building your great idea of a site, yet no one’s coming. You need to be found. The concept of FINDABILITY needs a strategy as part of your company’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization) program …

Social Media Coaching & Consulting

Ready to dip your toes into the waters of social media but don’t want to hand over your brand to a consultant or agency to do it for you? I can help you get what you want out of social media by teaching you to do it yourself …

Dewey Decimal for Keywords

Like the Dewey Decimal System organized countless books on every topic imaginable for the world’s libraries, keywords are an organizational means to serve up SERP’s (Search Engine Results) in modern fashion – research a term and explore the results …

Social Keywords

Are social media conversations important for search? The new anthem of CEO’s has been officially named “What’s the ROI of Social Media, Baby?” For some “social media strategists” the very thought of measuring social media efforts sends nerves-a-twitching before the chorus begins. After all, how can you measure a relationship? Can you truly put a […]

Google Content Farmer – Wreaking Havoc on Retailers

On February 24, Google did a little housecleaning in the produce aisle. In an effort to do a better job serving up what people actually want, they released a new algorithm (affectionately called “Panda” by in-house developers). The effects were immediate …

I’m Confused ~ Is Content King or Social Media?

How’s that Facebook thing working for you? In 2007, convincing the C-level 2007 that social media was a workable strategy took more fast talking than sneaking in late after curfew. It was almost impossible to measure and it took time. A lot of time …

5 SEO Tips

Think of SEO as the very picky head chef of the Internet. Whether human visitors or bots, SEO dishes up the best of the best – it’s as much about the presentation of the meal as it is about the taste.

Social Media Secrets

Everyone’s telling you that you should be on Facebook, Twitter, FourSquare … the list is growing. But understanding how those tools can help your business can feel like a stratospheric leap if all you’re seeing is public navel-gazing.

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